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Pak Harto was known for his hard work, discipline, and attention to detail. He had a routine of waking up early in the morning and arriving at the office promptly at 08:00 am every day. He had a remarkable memory and was skilled with numbers, as well as being an avid reader. He encouraged people to study science and technology, even though he did not receive his education abroad.

During his time as the President, Pak Harto would spend his evenings in his study, where he would read and sign numerous folders and letters. He would often work late into the night, with only a few hours of sleep before waking up early the next day. Despite his busy schedule, he always remained calm and rarely showed anger.

Pak Harto had a deep understanding of Javanese philosophy and history, and often incorporated these teachings into his leadership style. He emphasized the importance of ancient teachings and adages in guiding a successful and happy life. One of his most famous teachings was “ojo dumeh, ojo lali, ojo ngoyo”, which means to be mindful, not forgetful, and not lazy.

As a former military commander, Pak Harto provided advice to his subordinates based on his own combat experience. Before one of his officers, Bowo, was about to lead a mission in East Timor, Pak Harto advised him to remember “ojo lali, ojo dumeh, ojo ngoyo”. This advice was seen as a blessing and a form of guidance for success in the upcoming mission.

Overall, Pak Harto was a dedicated and disciplined leader who left a lasting impact on Indonesia. His commitment to hard work, attention to detail, and deep understanding of Javanese philosophy continue to inspire many people in the country.

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